Mercer Marketplace

Log in

Please enter username
Please enter password

Verify your account

Choose the security method to use to verify your account.

Add security methods

For future logins, you will use a passcode that is sent to your email to complete your login. You may set up additional methods to use instead of email by choosing one below.

Set up voice call authentication Set up text message authentication

Enter phone number you would like to use for verification. This number will only be used for verification and does not update the phone number we have on file for you.

Please enter valid phone number

A passcode was sent to . Enter it below to verify.

Didn't receive the passcode?

Check your number Send again Send again in
Please enter passcode

Your authentication factor has been enrolled. You will use it next time you log in.

Verify via text message Verify via voice call Verify via email

Enter the passcode we sent to .

Didn't receive the passcode? Send again Send again in

Please enter passcode

Forgot Username

Enter your name and email to retrieve your username.

Please enter first name
Please enter last name
Please enter valid email

Your username has been sent to your email. Check your inbox.

Forgot Password

Enter your username to start the process to reset your password.

Please enter username

Your password has been reset. You will receive an email with instructions on how to create a new password. Please check your inbox.

Password Expired

Password has been updated

To retrieve your User Passcode, please contact employer services at (877) 680-2891
Retrieve Username...
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter user passcode.
Retrieve Username...
Please enter an answer.
Please enter an answer.
Please enter an answer.
Retrieve Username...

Your Username is

Reset password...
Please enter a valid email address.
Please enter user passcode.
Reset password...
Please enter an answer.
Please enter an answer.
Please enter an answer.
Reset password...
Please enter a password.
Please enter a password.
Reset password...

Your password has been reset successfully.